Diograph documentation

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DiographSearchCreate docs

Diograph_store gem docs

Diograph Store gem (Ruby)

Easy-to-use API for Diograph API.

Read, write and connect diories without manual REST requests.

Build your Diograph app without a hassle.


gem install diograph-store


require 'diograph-store'

diory = DiographStore::DiographStore.get_diory('123-abc-456')

puts "Hello, I'm #{diory.name} diory and I have #{diory.connected_diories.count} connections!"

Usage / API

Examples assumes that the following things are defined:

# Go into container
docker-compose run client bash
# Console
# Require diograph-store
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'diograph-store'
# Define ENV's
ENV['DIOGRAPH_STORE_HOST'] = 'http://host.docker.internal:3000'
# Create store
@store = DiographStore::DiographStore.new

DIOGRAPH_STORE_HOST is url of the Diograph server.

DIOGRAPH_STORE_TOKEN authenticates and defines room in focus.

DIOGRAPH_USER_TOKEN authenticates and defines user in focus.


Retrieves diory from Diograph API.


Returns DiographStore::Diory if diory exists.

Returns nil if diory was not found.

Otherwise returns an DiographStore::ErrorObject if there was an error.


Creates a diory to room in focus.

diory_attributes = {
  name: "jee"

Returns DiographStore::Diory if diory was succesfully created.

Otherwise returns an DiographStore::ErrorObject if there was an error.


Tries to find a diory with given diory-id.

Returns DiographStore::Diory if diory exists.

Creates and returns DiographStore::Diory if diory wasn’t found

diory_attributes = {
  "diory-id" => "f57061f8-29d0-4000-b9e0-7b43c03305",
  "name" => "jee"


Retrieves a connection from Diograph API.


Returns DiographStore::Connection if connection exists.

Returns nil if connection was not found.

Otherwise returns an DiographStore::ErrorObject if there was an error.

DiographStore#create_connection(from_diory_id, to_diory_id, connection_type)

Creates a connection to room in focus.

  from_diory_id: 'f57061f8-29d0-4000-b9e0-7b43c03305c6',
  to_diory_id: 'b6c60f50-333d-47e6-b53e-e8543bd66eb1',
  connection_type: 'mentions'

Returns DiographStore::Connection if connection was succesfully created.

Otherwise returns an DiographStore::ErrorObject if there was an error.

DiographStore#update_diory_attribute(diory:, attibute_name:, value:)

Updates given one attribute for diory

  diory: @store.get_diory('f57061f8-29d0-4000-b9e0-7b43c03305c6') ,
  attribute_name: 'name',
  value: 'New name!'

DiographStore#update_connection_attribute(connection:, attribute_name:, value:)

Updates given attribute for connection

  connection: @store.get_connection('298172b1-ae61-41ee-a06a-38b0f8087880'),
  attribute_name: 'connection-type',
  value: 'mentions'


Retrieves room from Diograph API.


Returns DiographStore::Room if room exists.

Returns nil if room was not found.

Otherwise returns an DiographStore::ErrorObject if there was an error.

DiographStore#create_room(room_id, room_name)

Creates room for user in focus.

@store.create_room('f57061f8-29d0-4000-b9e0-7b43c03305c6', 'Room name')

Returns DiographStore::Room if room was succesfully created.

Otherwise returns an DiographStore::ErrorObject if there was an error.